Tambla has moved – We have a new address @ 100 Arthur


The global pandemic has driven a lot of change in the recent months and Tambla, like many companies, has embraced the change wherever possible and used our time to undertake some significant upgrades to our internal systems, adopt remote working policies and wellbeing measures for our employees and drive continual improvements across our business.

As if all this was not enough – we also moved our office and have taken residence of Level 1, 100 Arthur Street in North Sydney.

Located just a few doors from our previous office – 100 Arthur Street is a more modern building that has recently undergone extensive upgrades including lobby lounge areas.

The improved office space will accommodate our planned growth and provides everyone with a more comfortable work area and an abundance of natural light.

We look forward to welcoming you when the current working and travel restrictions are lifted.

100 Arthur Street - Tambla New Office Address

Our new address is: 

Level 1, 100 Arthur Street

North Sydney, NSW, 2060

There is no change to any other contact details.

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