Payroll Compliance: A guide for improving payroll governance

compliance in payroll

Payroll compliance cannot be ignored when it comes to getting payroll calculations right. It is essential for any Australian business. Poorly calculated payroll can lead to employee dissatisfaction, impacting productivity and morale.

Now, more than ever, companies are looking to ensure that they have the necessary payroll governance around their processes to comply with their obligations.  Failure to meet compliance in payroll can have serious consequences for any business, such as significant financial penalties or potential legal action due to not meeting employer obligations and employee compensation costs.

A Payroll Compliance platform designed to meet your team’s needs

Your payroll team is under increasing pressure to stay ahead of the ever-changing complexity of industrial instruments and employer obligations. Tambla Payroll Compliance software reduces manual validation and spot-checking by providing an automatic, independent comparison of your entire pay result. Our dashboard visualisations provide instant access to information in an easy-to-understand format. Results quickly highlight areas of concern and allow your payroll team to focus their time where it matters. Custom views can provide executives and board members with easy access to the necessary data for their own payroll governance processes, reducing the need for additional reports from your payroll team.

The modern workplace has become increasingly complex, as have the employment frameworks under which they operate, so employers are constantly evaluating their rostering, time recording and payroll functions and adjusting processes accordingly as conditions evolve. Regular reviews of people and processes are increasing in frequency, regular wage audits are being mandated within organisations, and more companies are engaging with legal and accounting firms to run reviews and write reports to highlight areas of concern in the Governance, Risk and Compliance (GRC) framework. 

Tambla Payroll Compliance is designed to complement (not replace) your existing systems and processes. Our service becomes part of your current GRC framework and provides savings in both time and cost while improving payroll governance.

How does the Pay Compliance platform work?

Tambla Payroll Compliance software automatically validates the accuracy of your payroll by collecting employee data and comparing your actual pay results to an independent, offline calculation. However, the comparison process does not rely merely on spot-checking random samples or simply comparing one metric against another. Our Payroll Compliance solution leverages data from your existing systems to provide as complete a picture as possible. Data we use to do this includes:

  • Employee HR data – to track employment changes, anniversaries, entitlements, dates and ages.
  • Roster data – to understand the work planned for which employees, including location, time and task.
  • Time & Attendance data – to accurately reflect the actual hours worked and work completed.
  • Payroll data – to understand what you paid someone when it was paid and for work completed.

Once Tambla receives this information, our interpretation engine calculates its own results, and the system compiles a new data model. Tambla Payroll Compliance then displays the data for the same period as a comparison of actual results against the independent calculations. These displays are graphical insights delivered as user-friendly dashboards through a web browser. Views can be filtered and sliced and can drill up and down to any level.  

Any variations are quickly highlighted to your team, who can now analyse at any level of the organisation and for any period, from company-wide views – spanning months down to individual employees, shifts and timesheets – on any given day. This level of actionable analysis arms your team with the information they need to identify potential issues, investigate, and undertake remediation in the source systems as may be required.

Why choose Tambla to help you with compliance in payroll?

While Payroll Compliance is an emerging technology in its own right, companies like Tambla have provided these capabilities for many years through Award and Agreement Interpretation Engines designed to accommodate Australia’s complex industrial instruments.

Our software can help to reduce the complexities of the calculations associated with ensuring your staff are paid correctly for hours worked. We support your payroll operations by ensuring they have the necessary insights into their process in accordance with the employment frameworks. We can provide employee roster management and advanced payroll compliance solutions to handle your processes.
Visit our Payroll Compliance page for more on our capabilities.

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